Delphi Array Constants

Let's suppose the following code, which is used as sample, that is to declare a Constant array of record:
TShopItem = record
Name : string;
Price : currency;
Items : array[1.3] of TShopItem =
(Name : 'Clock'; Price : 20.99),
(Name : 'Pencil'; Price : 15.75),
(Name : 'Board'; Price : 42.96)
) ;
What if I want to declare a to declare a Constant array of array of record (array of array).
How do I declare that?
Taking the previous classes, now suppose that I have 'groups' of TShopItem's, like :
Group 1
(Name : 'Clock'; Price : 20.99)
(Name : 'Pencil'; Price : 15.75)
Group 2
(Name : 'Board'; Price : 42.96)
(Name : 'Eraser'; Price : 2.96)
Group 3 (note different length)
(Name : 'Paper'; Price : 5.96)
(Name : 'Pen'; Price : 2.96)
(Name : 'Postits'; Price : 2.96)
How do I put all that in a single constant array of array declaration?