Autocad 32 Bit Installer


I purchased Dell note book and it came with Windows 7, 64 bit.

Now when I try to install AUTOCAD 2008 version, which is in 32 bit, I am unable to run the software. I get message that you can't run 32 bit program on a 64 bit processor.

What to do?

Sanjiv Desai

3 Answers

According to this you cannot install AutoCAD 32 bit on 64 bit operating systems. You will need a 64 bit version of AutoCAD.

Note that this is a limitation of AutoCAD and many 32 bit applications work fine in 64 bit windows.

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That is odd because most programs are 32 bit! If you have Win 7 Pro or an XP License, you can install this in a 32 bit Virtual Machine which is nicely integrated in Windows 7.

Clifford the RedClifford the Red

This has been an issue with AutoCAD for several years. Although Autodesk makes sure that both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of their software is available, some third-party add-ons will only work with the 32-bit versions.

If you have a 64-bit OS and have some of these expensive addons, then you really want to install AutoCAD as a 32-bit program. See here for a method that should allow you to install AutoCAD 2008 as 32-bit on your 64-bit computer if that's what you really need to do.

Todd StahlneckerTodd Stahlnecker

protected by slhckMay 29 '12 at 10:29

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