Photoshop Knockout Background
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This guide will teach you how to simply remove the background of an image in Photoshop CS6 using the Magic Wand Tool and the Quick Selection Tool. Depending on your needs, you may use a transparent image to add beautiful background-free images to documents, presentations, and websites.
This guide explains how to remove the backgrounds of simple images using selection and deletion. This method works best for images with simple backgrounds with a solid background color, smooth edges around the object, and a distinct contrast between the foreground and the background. These instructions may not be for you if your image is detailed or intricate around the edges or has a background with a similar color to the foreground.
The rest of this guide will introduce you to the basic selection tools in Photoshop CS6, provide step-by-step instructions to remove a background using the Magic Wand and Quick Selection tools, and how to troubleshoot potential problems when removing a background with this method.
Overview of Photoshop CS6
Navigate the major Photoshop CS6 selection tools with Figure 1. To remove the background of your image, you may need to use the tools in the diagram below.
To access a tool with multiple functions (i.e. Magic Wand Tool or Quick Selection Tool), right click the icon and select the tool you would like to use.
Photoshop Tools Overview:
Path shri japji sahib ji. Note: Keyboard shortcuts in parentheses.
- Background Eraser Tool (E): Change particular colors of a layer to transparent by clicking and dragging.
- Eraser Tool (E): Change parts of the layer to transparent by clicking and dragging.
- Layers Panel: Displays all layers within the document. When a particular layer is selected, your actions will only affect that layer.
- Magic Eraser Tool (E): Change all similar pixels to transparent by clicking a particular color.
- Magnetic Lasso Tool (L): Select an object with magnetic points that snap to the edge of an object. Add points by clicking and moving your cursor. Remove points by pressing backspace (Windows) or delete (Mac).
- Magic Wand Tool (W): Select similar pixels by clicking the layer.
- Move Tool (V): Move objects in a given layer around the Photoshop workspace by clicking and dragging.
- Quick Selection Tool (W): Select an object by clicking and dragging.
- Workspace: The area located around your image.
Materials Needed
- Adobe Photoshop CS6
- Image file with an unwanted background (JPG or PNG file preferred)
Knockoutoptions let you specify which layers “punch through” to reveal content fromother layers. For example, you can use a text layer to knock outa color adjustment layer and reveal a portion of the image usingthe original colors.
As you plan your knockout effect, youneed to decide which layer will create the shape of the knockout,which layers will be punched through, and which layer will be revealed.If you want to reveal a layer other than the Background,you can place the layers you want to use in a group orclipping mask.
To reveal the background, position the layer that will create the knockout above the layers that will be punched through, and make sure the bottom layer in the image is a Background layer. (Choose Layer > New > Background From Layer to convert a regular layer into a Background layer.)
To reveal a layer above the background, place the layers you want to punch through in a group. The top layer in the group will punch through the grouped layers to the next layer below the group.
To reveal the base layer of a clipping mask, place the layers you want to use in a clipping mask. (See Revealing layers with clipping masks.) Make sure that the Blend Clipped Layers As Group option is selected for the base layer. (See Group blend effects.)
- Select the top layer (the layer that will create theknockout).
- To display blending options, either double-click thelayer (anywhere outside the layer name or thumbnail), choose Layer >Layer Style > Blending Options, or choose BlendingOptions from the Layers panel menu.
Twilight breaking dawn full movie 123movies. To view blending options for a text layer,choose Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options,or choose Blending Options from the Add A Layer Style buttonat the bottom of the Layers panel menu.
Select Shallow to knock out to the first possible stopping point, such as the first layer after the layer group or the base layer of the clipping mask.
Select Deep to knock out to the background. If there is no background, Deep knocks out to transparency.
If you are not using a layer group or clipping mask, either Shallow or Deep creates a knockout that reveals the background layer (or transparency, if the bottom layer is not a background layer).
- To create the knockout effect, do one of the following:
Lower the fill opacity.
Using the choices in the Blend Mode menu, changethe blending mode to reveal the underlying pixels.
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