Cut Out Letters In Photoshop


This is the logo I have in mind:

I have been using white rectangles as blocs to hide the words like this:

However, when I merge the layers of text and white rectangles together, I am seeing something like this when I turn my background transparent:

It's very time consuming and laborous to manually delete those white spots in the final layer. If I change the color of the white rectangles to transparent then I am not seeing any 'cutting' of the letters because it's transparent!!

Is there a better way to do this?


2 Answers

Type out your text.

Make sure the type layer is selected and add a layer mask. You can find this in the layers panel (Window -> Layers if you don't see it). Select the square icon with the circle cutout in the middle.

Now use whatever tool you want to make a selection for the parts you want to hide.

I suggest using the pen tool (P) however you can use whichever selection tool you're used to using.

(If using the pen tool) Right click on the selection -> Make selection. Press OK on the next screen.

Now fill the selection with black using the brush tool (B) or fill tool (G).



use a mask, you'd still have to do it manually, just means you can alter it afterwards of you wont like it, plus nothing white to hide


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by Dong Tang

In this exercise we will give your text a more interesting look with a cut-out effect. This exercise works with Photoshop 7 and all later versions. We will use the Type Tool, Inner Shadow Layer Style, Filters, Gaussian Blur, and we will also learn how to change the Brightness/Contrast of an image.

Step 1

Open Photoshop and before you start a new file set the background colour to #8A8777, make the foreground colour white (#FFFFFF).

Now open a new file (Ctrl + N or File>New) with a size of 400 x 200 pixels and set the background contents to background colour (see image below).

Step 2

Use Layer>New>Layer or Shift+Ctrl+N to open a new layer, rename it to Text layer. Insert #8a8776 as foreground colour. To insert colour code see red circle in image below!

Star plus mahabharat watch online. Hide your background layer by clicking on the eye icon in the Layer’s Panel/ Screen. (See image below)

Choose the Type Tool in the Tool’s Palette to type the text ‘Button’ in Berlin Sans FB, bold at 72pt (see pictures below).

Step 3

Go to Layer>Rasterize>Type, (see image below) and then go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast (see image below) to change the Brightness of the text to -30 (see image below).

To make the background layer visible again click on the eye icon in the Layer Screen next to the layer name (as in image above).

Step 4

Use Layer>Style>Inner Shadow to add some shadow inside our text.


Step 5

First hold Ctrl and click on the text layer to select the shape of text. Then open a new layer with Layer>New>Layer or Shift+Ctrl+N, switch the foreground colour to white and fill the selection with forground colour using Edit>Fill.

Step 6

Press Ctrl+D to deselect the text shape. Download delphi. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and set radius to 3 pixels.

Click move tool on tool palette, and move the blured image to right and under the original text for 2-3 pixels.

Change the new layer’s opacity to 40% and fill to 30% in the layer palette.

Step 7

Now we add some noise on our image to make it look more real. Select the background layer and go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise, set amount to 3% and check uniform box and monochromatic box. Choose the text layer and apply the same effect on it.

Now we get our text with a wonderful cut-out effect.
