Hindi Books Online

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Update: Now you can write and submit your books, stories, poems from the app itself.
A collection of well known Hindi Sahitya by some of the finest Hindi authors. This app contains Hindi books, novels as well as Hindi translations of well known international and Indian novels. We have also published many kahaniyan and katha from independent authors. We are continuously adding new sahitya including that of Munshi Premchand, books for children and shayari collection.
Following books and novels are included in this app:
- Betal Pacchisi (बेताल पच्चीसी) : a collection of fictional tales and legends of Vikram and Betal
- Sinhasan Battisi (सिंहासन बत्तीसी) : based on the story of the throne of King Vikramaditya
- Alif Laila (अलिफ लैला): a collection of stories of Arabian Nights (One Thousand and One Nights)
- Panchatantra Stories (पंचतंत्र): ancient Indian collection of educational and moral stories (animal fables in verse and prose) by Vishnu Sharma
- Novels and stories by Munshi Premchand (मुन्शी प्रेमचंद)
- Stories by Rabindranath Tagore (रवींद्रनाथ ठाकूर)
- Chandrakanta (चंद्रकांता): popular Hindi novel by Devaki Nandan Khatri
- Chandrakanta Santati (चंद्रकांता संतति) : Dealing with the adventures of Chandrakanta and Virendra Singh's children in another major tilism
- कालिदास द्वारा रचित मेघदूत, ऋतुसंहार‍, शकुन्तला परिणय
- चाणक्यनीति
- प्रेमचंद लिखित मानसरोवर, गोदान
- शरतचन्द्र चट्टोपाध्याय लिखित कहानियाँ
- सत्य के प्रयोग: महात्मा गांधीजी की आत्मकथा
- बंकिम चंद्र चट्टोपाध्याय लिखित आनन्दमठ
- सदाअत हसन मंटो की कहानियाँ
- दिनेश चारण लिखित उपन्यास 'वीर की विजय यात्रा'
- कालिदास लिखित ऋतुसंहार‍, शकुन्तला परिणय
- प्रेमचंद लिखित गोदान
You can share them to your friends and family via social networking sites. You can also download the books on the fly and read them offline.
- All the content in the app has been licensed from their respective authors or is already in public domain
- All the app icons are either purchased or used as per the license from http://icons8.com/
- The app code is licensed from the it’s developer.
- All copyright related queries can be emailed to developer email.
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hindiebooks मुफ्त हिन्‍दी ईबुक्‍स

यह वेबसाइट एक प्रयास है हिन्‍दी में उपलब्‍ध ई-बुक्‍स को पीडीएफ प्रारूप में एक स्‍थान पर संकलित करने का, यहां पर उपन्‍यास, कहानी, कविता, धार्मिक पुस्‍तकें, बच्‍चों की किताबें और अन्‍य विषयों से संबंधित किताबें फ्री डाउनलोड के लिए उपलब्‍ध हैं।

समय समय पर इसमें नयी बुक और ऑडियो बुक्‍स जोड़ी जाएंगी

To come venire 89. English to latin translation. To commit committere 90.

Hindi Ebooks

Gulzar Ki Triveniyan

Ram Ki Shaktipooja By Nirala

Zen Stories in Hindi ebook pdf

This website is an effort to avail the treasure of hindi literature to its lovers. We always remember the days reading our favorite authors listening short wave radio in leisure times par 'Jaane kahan gaye wo din'. Today we are living with high-speed internet and gadgets still the bibliophile in us want to collect more and more books. while commuting to workplace we spend time on our smartphone or Kindle. According to some surveys we daily spend more than 2 or 3 hours on our mobile or any other gadget. But now we have ebooks.. means we can carry our favorite books on a thumb distance.
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